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Disadvantages of vacuum tyres

31 Jul 2018
  1. It is not pressure-resistant and is not suitable for overloading. The vacuum tyre is wear-resistant but not pressure-resistant.

2. The inner tire has good adaptability to asphalt and cement road surface, and can maintain strong adhesion and stability even if there is water on the road surface.But it has little adhesion and poor stability to the soil pavement, especially the muddy road surface.Don't drive on the dirt roads in the suburbs.

3. It is troublesome to repair. Once puncturing and leaking air, the high-cost vacuum tyre will be more troublesome to repair.

The difference between a nylon tire and a steel tire

1. Tire surface specification: nylon tire is 9.00-16, steel tyre is 9.00R16;

2. Structure: the nylon tire is oblique crossing, while the steel tire is meridian, i.e. vertical crossing;

3. Material: the main material of nylon tire is nylon, while the main material of steel tire is steel.

4. Process: nylon tire is simple and steel tyre is complex;

5. Performance: there is no comparability between nylon tire and steel tire.

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