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Feeling Under Pressure?

17 Jan 2019

Does that image look familiar? If you see what looks like an exclamation mark sitting in a fish bowl lighting up on your dashboard, it’s your TPMS, Tire Pressure Management System. It can be extremely sensitive, especially in new cars. If your tires aren’t inflated to the correct pressure, you’ll see that light nagging at you on your dash. The TPMS is there to help you though because properly inflated tires effect your car more than you might think.

Why is correct tire pressure so important?

Your car will run more efficiently, using less gas.

Tires last longer and wear more evenly.

You are safer. Over- or under-inflated tires can be a hazard to the safety of your car and to you.


How much pressure should you be under (or, over)?

Your entire car (and all of its riders) are resting on top of your tires. Make sure your tires maintain the correct pressure at all times. Never put off checking them or filling them.

Car pressure amounts are not universal. They vary depending on the make, model and year of your car. Check your car’s manual or the signage usually found inside the car door or fuel tank door. Follow those guidelines when filling up your car, making sure NOT to overfill. That can be just as bad as underfilling your tires. Think of a balloon that’s filled beyond what the material can really sustain!

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17 Jan 2019


17 Jan 2019


17 Jan 2019