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When to Replace a Damaged Tire?

10 Feb 2022

When to Replace a Damaged Tire?

Nobody wants to replace a new tire or a tire with plenty of tread still left. But the reality is that our safety should always come first. Your tires are your most important automotive part and the only automotive part that touches the road. The deciding factors on whether a tire can be repaired depend on how much damage has occurred and where the damage is located. The following situations will always warrant a new tire:


• Any damage to the shoulder or sidewall of the tire

• Large holes anywhere in the tire of more than ¼" in diameter

• Evidence of any severe damage, such as tread separation or large gashes

• The tire is damaged in a previously repaired area


The most important thing to remember is that any tire damage is a safety hazard and should be dealt with immediately. Your tires need to be checked and maintained regularly for damage, wear and tear, and lifespan. Replacing damaged tires is always safer, but some tire damage can be safely repaired to give you thousands of miles more use from your tire. 
