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What is IUCN

22 Jun 2017

IUCN is committed to finding a pragmatic solution to the world of environmental pressures and challenges. By supporting scientific research and conducting field projects around the world, IUCN has invited United Nations agencies, governments at all levels, NGO and enterprises to come together to formulate policies and regulations to find best practices. IUCN is currently focused on the evaluation and protection of natural values, to ensure the effective and fair utilization of natural resources management, and application solutions based on natural (Nature-based solutions) in response to climate, food and development and other global challenges. In the work of IUCN, human interests are always taken into consideration, that is, to protect natural and natural resources on the premise of sustainable development.

Each project of the alliance is motivated by its mission and the aspirations and needs of its members. Each country or region members meet regularly in order to carry out and promote the implementation of these projects, the League never tries to interference from the outside to. Instead, the alliance works with the people concerned to help them understand the problem and find a solution. It is often necessary to take a comprehensive account of all the risk holders involved in the matter and to join the discussion, regardless of the positions of these people, which must be explored in many ways. The alliance provides strong scientific knowledge and strong skills, and considers both political and cultural factors, including social skills in regulating conflicts and working with groups and institutions.

IUCN is in a leading position in the traditional field of conservation, such as:

(1) saving endangered species of animals and plants;

(2) the establishment of national parks and protected areas;

(3) to assess the conservation of species and ecosystems and to help them recover.

However, IUCN has grown beyond traditional areas. In many parts of the World Union believes that the sustainable utilization of natural resources is a good way to protect nature, which make them to meet their basic needs and utilization of natural resources has become the natural resources protection guards.

The environment protected by the alliance includes the land environment and the marine environment. The alliance focused on strategies and programmes for the conservation and management of forests, wetlands, coastal and marine resources. The vanguard role of the alliance in promoting the improvement of the concept of biodiversity has made it an important role in promoting the implementation of the CBD in countries and even the world.