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Honeycomb tire

10 Oct 2017

An American company invented such an inflatable honeycomb tire, which replaced the original inflatable part with a honeycomb structure, so that it could act like a traditional tire.

Future tires do not need to inflate, so there is no gas leak. This progress can save many soldiers' lives. According to the government's request, the tires need to have higher load-bearing capacity, can withstand temporary explosive devices attacks, and can still be attacked after 50 miles per hour (about 80 kilometers per hour) speed. To meet the demands of the government, developers of Resilient technology and the polymer engineering center at the University of Wisconsin Madison have designed tires that mimic the honeycomb structure. They know that nothing can be more perfect than this design. The bionic tire consists of a series of hexagons with a high degree of solidity and a uniform weight distribution for smooth driving.