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Common Tire Misunderstandings

27 Jul 2018

A puncture in itself isn’t a big problem. However, sometimes people forget about various aggravating factors that make fixing a tire much more difficult. There are several common tire misunderstandings you need to know about

· Not realizing the detrimental effects of your car being out of alignment (uneven tire wear).
The more worn out the tire is, the higher the risk of puncture is. If your car is out of alignment, the tires will wear out unevenly. Even if you fix this, the damage has already been done and the uneven wear will continue as your tires are at different levels. The only way to solve this particular issue is to replace the tires and get your vehicle aligned properly from the start.

· Believing that a plug will suffice.
Although a good temporary measure, a plug alone is not enough to fix a puncture properly. You need to use both a patch and a plug, or a single-piece unit that combines these repair tools.

· Relying on a Fix-a-Flat.
This one and other similar products are temporary solutions ONLY. You cannot rely on them to seal the hole in your tire for more than a couple of days, so get to a repair service as soon as possible.

· Not understanding when the tire balance is off.
Many people waste their money by having technicians rebalance their tires when they don’t have a balance problem in the first place. If you have this issue, you will feel on and off vibration that depends on the speed of your car. This is the sign you need to watch out for.

· Inability to tell a tire problem from a wheel problem.
A dented or uneven wheel will not balance regardless of how great your tires are and how much money you pay to the tire shop’s technician to fix them. Even new tires might develop leaks for no obvious reason if the problem is with the wheel. Have a technician determine the exact cause so that you don’t waste your money.

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