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How to use the tire patch?

13 Nov 2020

Steps to use the tire patch

1. Mark the puncture position of the tyre and pull out the puncture

2. Explore the puncture direction of the puncture with the tire patch probe, insert and jerk along the puncture direction to remove dust and debris in the puncture

3. Cut one end of the rubber strip into an inclined mouth and pass it into the front hole of the needle insertion tool, so that the length of the rubber strip at both ends of the hole is basically the same

4. Insert the pin hole with the rubber strip into the tire, make sure that the rubber strip is inserted in 2/3 length (make sure that the cold patch rubber strip penetrates the tire body to avoid slipping out after inflation), and pull out the fork needle after rotating the fork needle 360 degrees

5. For the remaining tire patch strip outside the tire, leave a length of 5mm on the tread, and subtract the rest

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